
Wednesday, September 27, 2017

How to play hockey

You will need:
.hokey stick
.hockey ball
.mouth guard
.hokey field
.running shoes
. 2 team of 6

1. Make saure you have a whole team to play.
2. Get your hockey stick 🏒 and  mouth guard.
3.Go on the field in your position.
4.The centre will collect the 🏀 and pass to a player in the team.
5.The player in your team will 🏃 with the ball.
6.Run towards your goal and if someone is there pass it.
7.Push the 🏀 into the goal !!

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Going to Auckland

Mum, Matias, Dad, and I going to go to Auckland for my birthday and I am so so so excited to go. We leave on my birthday and we are going to go to 🌈's End. I can't wait to go. I don't know when we are going to come back.

We have been on a plane before and when it went up, it felt like it was going down. It was kind of weird when it started.  It felt like a long flight, but I don't think it was a long way.

My mum and dad said that I can go to Rainbows End and choose a cake.

My biggest birthday present is going to Rainbows End and my Aunty Daniela is coming with us. We can't wait to go. 👋

Friday, September 1, 2017

This week

This week on Wednesday mr Adam and room 1 went to the food fridge in new Brighton to drop off some food that children Brough

We had many things such as cans,pasta and many more things , and we all put them in a the fridge.We went to food fridge because to look at the fridge and see how it's works. We all brought an item to the fridge .

Friday, August 18, 2017

Why we should have a class captain 👩‍✈️

I STRONGLY BELIEVE that we should have a class captain at NBC.

My views are outlined below, I am sure you will agree with me once you have need this exposition.

I think that we should have a class captain because they can help organize thing like games and compititions.
If we had a class captain they will organize it at lunch and at morning tea.

They could help the teacher because if the teacher is busy the class captain will make a group.

The class captain could organise spots and games for the class.
Games like Kia rahi and rippa tag that we could play at lunch time, and after morning tea.

Thank you for reading my exposition I hope you agree with me.

Friday, June 16, 2017


Let me tell you about the terrible tyrant who robs trains.  Frank is a mischievious, devious, daredevil train robber like a fox in the woods. He has a deep,beeline, sharp nose that looks like a knife.  His eyebrows are prickly,chunky and chestnut.  His chin is square,broad, and blunt.  He has wide pentagon ears and that's Frank.

Friday 16th June

Hola, (hello)

Mi nombre es Emilia (my name is Emilia)

Cómo estás?  (How are you?)

Espero que te guste mi blog (I hope you like my blog)

Gracias (Thank you)

By the way, my blog will be in English not Spanish, but I am from Chile

so I wanted to start with Spanish!

I look forward to you coming and looking at what I am doing!

Bye for now

Wednesday, March 15, 2017


Welcome to my very own blog for learning. I look forward to sharing my learning with teachers, my school, my family and friends anywhere.